Items where Subject is "D History General and Old World / történelem > DN Middle Europe / Közép-Európa > DN1 Hungary / Magyarország"
Group by: Creators | Item Type Jump to: Image Number of items at this level: 124. ImageHering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Arva. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Babakay. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Bayluka. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Belgrade. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Betzko. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Border guard-houses. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Buda, from the Blocksberg. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Byzantine capital at St. Maria. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Castle of Csejta. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Castle of Hunyad. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Castle of Murány. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Castle of Wissegrád. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Coin of Trajan's bridge. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Coloured map. (1839) Láng, Klára (Transcriber): De divi Mathiae regis laudibus rebusque gestis dialogus = Mátyás király dicső tetteiről írott corvina. (Unpublished) (2003) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): The Detonata. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Dyetva peasants. (1839) Láng, Klára (Transcriber): Előszó : Lírai költemények. (Unpublished) (2005) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Fall of mountain at Kremnitz. (1839) Alt, Rudolf and Láng, Klára (Artist, Transcriber): Ferenczhalma Budán = Die Franzenshöhe in Ofen. (1845) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Field nursing. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Fiume from the porta Ungarica. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Folk song. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Forchtenstein. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Füred. (1839) Wonsidler, Alexander Josef and Herzinger, Anton (Artist, Artist): G 66 - Ansicht der beyden Königl. freyen Hauptstädte Ungarns, Ofen und Pest. (Unpublished) (1814) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): G 70, G 100 - Az MTA Palotája a Széchenyi tér felől. (Unpublished) (2022) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): G 71 - Gróf Teleki József. (Unpublished) (2022) Słowikowski, Adam (Artist): G 73 - Az MTA Palotája (XIX. század). (Unpublished) (2022) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): G 74 - A Lánchíd a pesti oldal felől. (Unpublished) (2022) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): G 75 - Az MTA Palotájának díszterme. (Unpublished) (2022) Kun, Zsanett and Rusz, Károly (Transcriber, Artist): G 76 - Az Akadémiai Könyvtár a palota megnyitása idején. (Unpublished) (2022) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): G 77 - Szegedi Biológiai Kutatóközpont. (Unpublished) (2022) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): G 83-90 - Hóráskönyvek (részletek). (Unpublished) (2022) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): G 91 - Az MTA KIK Keleti Gyűjteményének olvasóterme. (Unpublished) (2022) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): G 92-94 - Részletek az MTA KIK Keleti Gyűjteményének állományából. (Unpublished) (2022) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): G 98 - Az MTA KIK Katalógusterme. (Unpublished) (2022) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): G 99 - A Széchenyi tér és a Lánchíd az MTA palota felől. (Unpublished) (2022) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Gateway at Altsohl castle. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): German settlers of Schmölnitz. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Gipsy girl. (1839) Láng, Klára (Transcriber): Gondolatok a könyvtárban : Lírai költemények. (Unpublished) (2005) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Gothic niche at St. Maria. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Haiduk. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Hermitage of Bucses. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Horse mill. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Houses under ground. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Hungarian folk song. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Hungarian lady in her national costume. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Hungarian tinkers. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Hunting scene in the Carpathians. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Ice grotto of Demenfalva. (1839) UNSPECIFIED (UNSPECIFIED): Illusztrációk Townson, Robert (1797) Travels in Hungary, with a short account of Vienna in the year 1793. (Robinson, London) munkájából. (1797) UNSPECIFIED (UNSPECIFIED): Illusztrációk Townson, Robert (1797) Travels in Hungary, with a short account of Vienna in the year 1793. (Robinson, London) munkájából. (1797) UNSPECIFIED (UNSPECIFIED): Illusztrációk Townson, Robert (1799) Voyage en Hongrie, précédé d’une description de la ville de Vienne et des jardins impériaux de Schoenbrun (chez Poignée, Paris) munkájából. (1799) UNSPECIFIED (UNSPECIFIED): Illusztrációk Townson, Robert (1799) Voyage en Hongrie, précédé d’une description de la ville de Vienne et des jardins impériaux de Schoenbrun (chez Poignée, Paris) munkájából. (1799) UNSPECIFIED (UNSPECIFIED): Illusztrációk Townson, Robert (1799) Voyage en Hongrie, précédé d’une description de la ville de Vienne et des jardins impériaux de Schoenbrun (chez Poignée, Paris) munkájából. (1799) UNSPECIFIED (UNSPECIFIED): Illusztrációk Townson, Robert (1799) Voyage en Hongrie, précédé d’une description de la ville de Vienne et des jardins impériaux de Schoenbrun (chez Poignée, Paris) munkájából. (1799) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): Ingressus rectoris magnifici et collegii professorum in ecclesiam universitatis 1935. május 12. (2024) UNSPECIFIED (UNSPECIFIED): Instrumentum Confoederationis Inclytorum. (1705) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Interior of peasant's cottage. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Kronstadt. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Kubin. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Little Komárom, great Komárom! (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Lomnitzer head. (1839) Tyroler, József and Láng, Klára (Artist, Transcriber): Magyarország és Erdély egyesülésének allegóriája : Teleki József élete és munkássága. (Unpublished) (2005) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Mining students of Schemnitz. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Nemeti. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Noble and servant in full costume. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Now that the red plum of Besztercze ripens... (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Oh, how dirty is your kerchief! (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Old tower at Klausenburg. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Ovid's tower. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Pasha's house at Orsova. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Pest. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Pest races. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Pillory. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Plan of Trajan's bridge. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Plan of via Trajana. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Presburg. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Puszta at sunset. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Puszta shepherds. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Remains of Trajan's bridge. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Roman and Dacians from Trajan's column. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Roman temple at Demsus. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Rákótzy-nóta. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Sclavack peasants. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Smelting-house at Kremnitz. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Solitary inn. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Sterbeczu almare. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Strecsno. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Széchenyi István (1791-1860). (1839) Láng, Klára (Transcriber): Szózat. (Unpublished) (2005) UNSPECIFIED (UNSPECIFIED): Teleki József arcképe. (Unpublished) (1791) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Theben on the Danube. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Tihany fossils. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Tokay. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Toll-bar, near Waitzen. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Trajan's tablet. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Transylvanian groom and housemaid. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Trentsin. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Turkish aqueduct. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Two Wallack heads. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Valley of Almás. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Valley of Bucses. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Valley of Mehadia. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Valley of the Aranyos, at Bare. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Valley of the Maros from Deva castle. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Valley of the five lakes. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Veiled peasant women. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Village of Várhely. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Vorspann. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Wallack women. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Wallacks. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Women's head dresses. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): Zsibo. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): A bathing party at Sliács. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): A gentleman of the old school. (1839) Láng, Klára (Transcriber): ifj. Pápai Páriz Ferenc európai peregrinációjának emlékkönyve 1711-1726. (Unpublished) (2004) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): The iron gates. (1839) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): A second cavern. (1839) Kun, Zsanett (Transcriber): A svábhegyi Csillagvizsgáló Intézet fényképei. (Unpublished) (2022) Hering, George Edwards (Illustrator): A zipser girl. (1839) |